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Overview SNHU


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Updated November 10, 2020 | By Bob Fugett

Overview SNHU

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Over the last few weeks I have been learning how to navigate the SNHU website (treating it as a standard computer application), and I have gained enough understanding to post this brief overview of the basic barebones elements which will usher you towards course completion.

The SNHU website is an aggregation of numerous services.

Those services specific to course completion are divided into two major areas which are briefly mentioned inside instructional videos but are not well contextualized as an overriding concept.

Plus there is no easy way to navigate directly from one service to the other as each requires several clicks through various links and dialogues to access.

1) Brightspace = the portal to your course list with a checklist function plus basic "How to" and submittal links.

2) MindEdge = a housing of the modules providing the actual coursework

However, the two areas can be tabbed in your browser once accessed.

In your browser's URL field Brightspace resolves as



/home?[query string]
         (where "nnnnnn" is a course number)

and MindEdge resolves as

         (where "nnnnnn" is a course number)

There are different upper level headers for each area which can be seen in the rollover images below.

Rollover for MindEdge view

Rollover for MindEdge view

Some links within modules go straight to MindEdge materials but some land you on an interim page (such as a submittal dialogue) from which MindEdge is accessed via forward button at top and bottom of page body. ***ERROR: the paragraph above and the image below give false information, the forward arrow actually moves to the next module. The assignment articles were actually included in the first MindEdge page but I missed the NEXT arrow under the discussion posts. Therefore the page below is merely the submittal page. I'll smooth this out later.

Due to Brightspace behaviour of checking off tasks when they are accessed, not necessarily completed (plus no roll-back function), it is best to use the "Learning Modules" view from "Course Menu" drop-down in order to copy/paste the list into a memo and proactively handle the list yourself.

Further explanation can be found in this YouTube video:


I plan to mimic SNHU navigation protocols in order to establish a model of my book, "Logic: the language and art of causality" as a fully formed SNHU graduate level online course.

Copyright © 2020 Bob Fugett, all rights reserved, hands off
this page Created: 10/17/2020
for Last Update see top of page



NOT affiliated with SNHU in any way

- Bob Fugett


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